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About Us

Law enforcement community engagement efforts in Hancock County began in June, 2020, under the leadership of the Downeast Restorative Justice project (DRJ), and then went on hiatus at the end of that summer. The committee was reinitiated by the local community group Acadia Action in February, 2021 under the name Law Enforcement Community Engagement Committee, with a number of members of the original DRJ-led group participating, as well as people new to the discussion.


The LECEC generally meets twice a month on Zoom. One 50 minute meeting, called the interim working group, is focused on business/organizational issues. The other meeting, scheduled for 90 minutes, is a speaker presentation with a Q & A.

Our meetings are facilitated and we follow established meeting agreements which assure that an ordered and respectful process is maintained. These agreements are as follows:

  • Speaking with Respect for all

  • Listening with Respect for all

  • Being Mindful of Time (anyone can signal time out)

  • Letter "C" hand sign for Clarification

  • Thumbs up/Thumbs down for yes/no questions

  • Thumb sideways indicates mixed feelings or the need for more discussion

  • Mute Microphone when not speaking to prevent feedback/background noise unless doing so presents difficulties.

Meeting notes are generated after each interim working group meeting and are promptly distributed to the LECEC mailing list.

Most speaker presentations are recorded and can be viewed at the links found here.

LECEC Steering Committee


Shemaya Laurel 

Acadia Action


John Hall

Chief of Police

Southwest Harbor

Suzanne Jean

Acadia Action


Tara Young

Drug Free Communities Coalition

Program Coordinator

Healthy Acadia

Rebecca Wentworth

Acadia Action

Blue Hill

20191021_6407 Schoodic Head Looking North.jpg

LECEC of Hancock County

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